May - Monthly Wrap Up

May was a pretty slow month on the blog compared to April. Both Rachel and I went through a few changes career-wise so we were unable to interact with our readers and other bloggers. Rachel started her internship, I switched jobs and we had to organize the Indie Self-Published Author Event for June so yep, it has been a crazy month! But we definitely enjoyed reading/reviewing our newly acquired books and talking to kick ass authors and great readers/bloggers! 
Stats-wise: Lots of new followers so welcome, we hope you guys are having fun! Thank you so much for all the lovely e-mails, blog post comments, tweets, Goodreads and Facebook messages(553 Likes-Yay!). We might not have had time to return your thoughts but trust me we both loved each and everyone of them! :)
Reviews on the blog: 
The Boyfriend App is a refreshingly fun and cutesy story that readers will surely like!
Stripped was a quick and easy read that keeps you entertained despite the slow start. 
This is a recommended read for the mystery fans out there.
Always Remember is a novel you will surely not forget because it’s a lighthearted read that will make you laugh but at the same time, knock you off your feet.
But the real question is “Would I read the sequel?”
Click to Subscribe is a refreshingly adorable debut novel by Augustine that will surely make your hearts flutter and crave for chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles on top.
Going Under has it all. 
Cover Reveals/Promos
Shucked-Megg Jensen
Paris Love Match-Nigel Blackwell
Glass Hearts-Lisa De Jong
Playing for Keeps - Emma Hart

Credoroza of Fandom Fanatic nominated Say It with Books for The Versatile Blogger Award! Check out the post to see our what we think of HEAs and Adam Levine. ;)
Friday Finds- Rachel adds two awesome books(A Banned Book + A collaboration by two kickass authors) to her TBR!
So both Rachel and I added some pretty sweeeeeet books to our shelves this month-Check it out!
Nuzaifa's Haul:
Rachel's Haul:
Indie Self Published Author Event
The authors we’ll be hosting in June as a part of the Indie Self Published Author Event are Cecilia Robert, Melodie Ramone, Erin Lawless, Summer Walden, Jessica Brooks, Angel Lawson, Kathryn O'Halloran, Amy Martin , Leigh Talbert Moore, Priya Kanaparti, Beth Michele, Jaimie Admans, J. Sterling, Magan Vernon and Shelly Crane.
The 19 book bloggers who will be joining us in June are Laura at Blame it on the rain,  Julie at A taleof many book reviews, Alyssa at Diary of a book maniac, Ana at Anahera Reads, Amy at Amy Bookworm, Tiffany at Tiffany Talks Books, Lucia at Reading is my Breathing, Karielle at Books a la mode, Proserpine at Proserpine Craving BookBlog, Julie at Books and Insomnia, Tammy and Kim at Reviews by Tammy and Kim, Credorosa at Fandom fanatic, Haraiah at Random things in action, Sylvia & Nat at Seeking Book Boyfriends, Izz at Izz "Pingle" Bookish Place, Charlie at Letter Trails, Nova Lee at Musings of a Blogder, Shaz at Jera's Jamboree Isabel at Sab the Book Eater and Trinity at A Love Affair with Books.
A huge thank you goes to the authors and bloggers who helped put together this event. You people are amazing.
So that's it for now guys! Hope to see you guys back on the blog in June for Indie Self Published Author Event-You don't wanna miss it 'cause it's gonna an epic month of book-ish awesome-ness! :D
Lots of love,
Nuzaifa & Rachel :)


  1. June sounds good! Looks like a lot of hard work though!

    1. Oh yes, here was a LOT of hard work! Sooo many mails going back and forth, creating and recreating schedules-It was insane! We just hope that the event is gonna be a success. :)

  2. Sounds like an awesome month! :D I'm really excited for the Indie-Self Published Author Event! <3

    1. Yes it's gonna be epic,Ana! We are glad that you'll be joining us too! :D

  3. I'm really excited for you to read Wallbanger! So good!

    1. Hi Megan! I'm excited to read it too!!! :) *squeals*

    2. I loved Wallbanger too,Megan! I think Rachel will enjoy it too! :D

  4. It sounds like May was crazy for you guys, but in a totally awesome way :). I hope June will be just as great! Happy Reading to both of you!



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