Stacking the Shelves (01)

Stacking the Shelves (01)

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tygna's Reviews, is a weekly post where bloggers list the books they recently acquired. The books can come from anywhere : publisher, author, giveaway, library or bought.

Happy December!
Can you believe it's almost the end of ANOTHER year??
This is my first Stacking the Shelves meme so *fingers crossed* :)

So here we go....

The books I bought

          Divergent - Veronica Roth           


The Books I Won In Giveaways
Innocent Darkness - Suzanne Lazea                                                   
Thanks,Heather @ YA Fusion Group Blog!                                 

Thanks,Cidney & Sarah @ SarahElizabeth's Bookshelf       

A Spy Like Me Thanks,Laura Pauling!    

ARC Copy of Destined(Desolation #3)                                                                             
                                                                Thanks,Ali Cross!  

                                       eBook of Marina in a Green Dress - Alan Davidson
             Thanks, Straw Hat Publishers & Sarah @ Sarah Elizabeth's Bookshelf 

What are the additions to your shelf?
Leave me a comment with the link and share your goodies!


  1. Yesss! Divergent and Graceling are awesome books, I hope you enjoy them. :> Innocent Darkness is also in my to-read pile and I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint. Enjoy your books!

    Here's our StS.
    Stacking the Shelves #6

  2. Have you read Divergent yet? It's plain awesome. However, I feel that the sequel was disappointing, although there are tons of other people who would be willing to argue otherwise.
    Thank you for stopping by my STS!
    I followed back! ;D

  3. New follower. Divergent and Graceling were awesome. I really like your blog. It's very cute.


  4. Awesome haul! Hope you enjoy Divergent! :)

    ~Stephanie @ Bookfever

  5. Good ones, I lovet Divergetn (I have a signed copy) and Insurget, BUT if I could do over again, I would NOT read them, until book 3 is out, lol, killer cliffhanger, then have to wait over a year and a half for book 3. Lol.
    Enjoy them
    Stacking the Shelves & In My Mailbox

  6. Eep! You are going to LOVE Divergent and Graceling!! They're both amazing. :) Enjoy!

    My Stacking the Shelves

  7. @ohdamnbooks - I just finished Divergent-TOTALLY loved it.I'm hoping to get the sequel soon.Your welcome!

    @Grace Fonseca - I hope I enjoy them too.Aww Thanks!

    @Stephenie-Your haul's pretty awesome too!

    @Michelle - Oooh cool!signed copy huh?lol!yep I hate waiting for the sequels too!Thanks!

    @Ashley - I'm sure I will since I'm hearing so may great things about them!

    Thanks for stopping by guys! :D

  8. I loved Graceling, I hope you like it.

  9. Nice haul! I hope you enjoy 'saving mars', I absolutely loved it :)

  10. I LOOOOVVVEEEE Divergent. It becoming one of my favorite series and Four may be one of my favorite book boyfriends. I hope you enjoy your new pretties!
    Thanks so much for passing by my post and for the follow. Following back =)

  11. Graceling is amazing. I really want to read Innocent Darkness. Great haul.

    P.S. I love your blog design and header it's so adorable. :)

  12. I loved Divergent!! That is a totally great pick. Even graceling is on my to-read list.



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