Currently ... August

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Hey guys! Another month just flew past and here we are. July was a blur so I'm hoping that August is a bit more relaxed. 

So here's what I am currently... 

MAKING lists with Any.Do - So addicted to this app!

WATCHING Teen Wolf. Missed a couple of episodes so I'm going to binge watch and catch up.

READING very little! Found it very difficult to fit in some reading time so more of that in the upcoming weeks. Loving J R Ward's The King now though!

LISTENING to Fall Out Boy's Sugar, We're Goin Down. I love their new sound but there old stuff is still epic!

LOOKING forward to the annual book fair next month! 

PLAYING around with some graphics for a new blog look.

OBSESSED with planners and lists! I spy a post coming your way, serial list makers!

ENJOYING this long weekend. 

WAITING for season 3 of The Mindy Project. Here are a few words of wisdom from Mindy Lahiri to tide you over!

WONDERING if I should get subscribe to a few magazines after reading this post.

LOVING this blossom type. Flowers and fonts? FTW.

WEARING pajamas. This weekend is all about me and the bed. 

FOLLOWING Darling Magazine. The art of being a woman simplified!

GIGGLING at the crazy duo, The Notebook Sisters. These sisters' blog is a must follow.

THINKING about getting creative with office inspiration boards.

GRATEFUL for my wonderful readers. It was an absolute pleasure reading your answers to the survey and I can't wait to start e-mailing you peeps!

So tell me, how was your July? 

What are you looking forward to this August? Any exciting new things lined up?



  1. I love these posts! It's such a fun way to get to know more about the blogger outside the blog and I have SO much to say about this so excuse me if this becomes a novel haha.

    Okay so I have so much love for Any.Do as well! I stopped using it because I finally figured out how to use the planner installed internally into my phone and that's just a lot more useful because I can see everything at a glance on a calendar but Any.Do was the only thing I used to keep track of all my projects this past year. Honestly, it kinda shocks me how I managed to pull that off but it worked! The interface is so nice too.

    And yes, I love Fall Out Boy! Their older stuff is really good. Have you heard This Ain't A Scene It's An Arms Race? One of my favourite Fall Out Boy songs!

    Ahh season 3 of The Mindy Project needs to come! I'm so tired of waiting and I need more of Danny & Mindy.

    And omg new blog look? I really like what you have now, especially the header and the background but new blog looks are always so exciting!

    Okay and I love the blossom type. It's so pretty!

    And yeah, after reading that post on magazines on Crazy Red Pen, I kinda thought that maybe I should look into getting subscriptions to them. Especially Paper Magazine which I kinda have a newfound love for.

    And yes, the Notebook Sisters are so hilarious! I love visiting their blog whenever I need a smile.

    Okay, that's all. Love these type of posts! Sorry if this comment was a bit random and disconnected. Hope you have a great August! :)

  2. is one of my favorite apps too! And thanks for the blog recs - I'm off to check them out now.

  3. Eeeep, this post is so nice. ^_^ I love Fall Out Boy! I listen to them when I run alllll the time. They're amazing. Although I don't know which are their newer or older songs but I particularly like I Don't Care and Hum Hallelujah.
    And I sooo want to watch Teen Wolf! I only like started watching TV this year (I usually am just a movie person but movie are so dang long. Ugh. I love Batman but I don't love 3 hours of him straight.) I graciously destroyed my feels on all the seasons of Supernatural and so now I'm on Psych to repair my soul with laughter. ;)

  4. I think I need to check out Any.Do. I discovered it before but I forgot and now that I own a smartphone, I should look it up.

    I fail at life because I haven't properly listened to Fall Out Boy's old stuff yet.

    I also got caught up on a couple of episodes of Teen Wolf.

    Jessica's post made me wonder that, as well. Must do something about reading magazines again!

    That blossom type is gorgeous! :heart eyes:


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