You, me and a cup of coffee

Hello my lovely peeps! Hope this week is treating you well. I remembered that this November I'll be celebrating my second blogversary so that got me thinking about my current state as a blogger. Ask any blogger and they'd swear that one of the best things about blogging is the people
It is the people in the blogging community and you readers who make this whole experience a beautiful one.

I have had the privilege of meeting so many wonderful bookish people thanks to blogging. Last year I met up with Mishma of As the Page Turns, another Sri Lankan book blogger at the Annual International Book Fair where we did some book shopping, chatted over pizza and had an absolutely fabulous time! This year I got the opportunity to meet Savindi of The Streetlight Reader, another Sri Lankan blogger from Canada when she visited Sri Lanka. Despite the short visit, we were able to have an enlightening and lovely chat about books, diversity, publishing and whatnot. 

Fangirling with Amelia of The Authoress, co-blogging with Rachel of The Book Empire, hosting guest reviews from Jules of Jules Bookshelf and getting into some INSANE conversations with the peeps on Twitter. Fun times. ;)

So where am I going with all this? Communication. Friendship. Connection. I'd like you to meet the girl behind this blog. And I'd like to get to know the reader behind that screen. Maybe one day we'll get the chance to sit across each other and talk books. And maybe not. But I'd still like to know you.

So picture this, we meet up for the first time and get start chatting. Me with a cup of coffee and a slice of heavenly blueberry cheesecake. You with a cup of bubble tea/latte and book on table between us. We start exchanging thoughts, swooning over those fictional hunks and giggling over some awful puns

So take a sip of that drink, sit back and lets talk.

What's that one thing that you are really, really proud of? 

For me it starting this blog. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there and a lot of determination to keep on doing it. 

What is your dream job?

Being paid to read all day long? Haha, if only! A more realistic pick would be to do something in the creative field like a creative consultant in advertising/branding.

What was the first thing you learned to cook?

Does toast count? I'm a TERRIBLE cook with a lot of culinary disaster stories including exploding omelettes, rock-hard doughnuts, pancakes that look like they've been through a shredder and pastry dough that refused to get unstuck from the mixing bowl. I can make an awesome plain vanilla cake though! ;) Please tell me I'm not the only hopeless one!

What makes you feel young?

Technically, I am young! ;)
So I'll just talk about what makes me feel alive? Travelling. Although I have to admit that I haven't really done much of it. I adore going out and visiting new places, whether it's a new restaurant or a bookstore that I've never visited before. I'm a restless person by nature and am quite indecisive so I'm always looking for a change. Maybe this is why I adore road trip books and travel blogs?

If you had it to do over again what would you study in school?

Journalism, writing, communications or liberal arts! Graphic design is an option too. Told ya, I was indecisive. 

What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?

I'm a bit of a picky eater when it comes to meat. Since the only kind of meat I eat are chicken and prawns I don't think I've eaten anything out of ordinary! 

What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up?

THAT scene at the end of season 3B of Teen Wolf. The death of one my favorite characters came as a shock but I was glad to see that they had done justice to the character with jaw dropping season finale. 

What does your perfect day look like?

My idea of a perfect day would be a productive morning, followed by some reading/pampering time and then some quality time with the family. Very low key, haha!

So now would be the time that we'd finish our drinks, wave goodbye and promise to meet up once again.

So until next time, take care and have a brilliant week!


P.S. - Before you leave, I'd appreciate if if you take this little survey/quiz because I'd love to continue this conversation with you soon!

If you cannot access the embedded form, you can get the form at THIS LINK

Have a question? Or just want to chat? Drop me a line at nbookaholic (AT) gmail (DOT) com or join me on twitter @nbookaholic.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.


  1. Awww...this is SUCH a nice post and a freakishly good idea. I love getting to know people behind the blogs. I know lots of people like to stay very anonymous and that's perfectly fine. But I do enjoy getting to know my internet friends, because honestly? Internet friends rock.

    1. THANK YOU, Cait. :)
      I know right? Since we have so much in common with our readers it would be a pity to not get to know them better!

  2. What a WONDERFUL idea. It was nice talking to you ;)

    1. Thank you, Mel. It was wonderful getting to know you too. ;)

  3. This is such a great idea! What makes the community so great are the people so I love it whenever there's an opportunity to get to know bloggers better. Even if I don't really know them, the blogging community has just been so awesome and great that I'm sure everyone is just absolutely lovely and darling.

    Reading through all your answers and answering your questions was a lot of fun! Again this was a great idea and lots of fun. Have a great week too! :)

    1. Glad you liked it, Annie! I've been reading your answers(THANK YOU for your non-bookish blog recommendations!) and I can't wait to start e-mailing everybody. :D


  4. Congrats on the upcoming milestone, that's amazing. Blogging takes dedication and it is no easy feat but you not only manage to keep it up but also do it well. So excited for you and I loved that you shared more about yourself! If only they made a job where we could sit and read all day!!!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Lindsey-I'm very excited for the blogversary celebration! :D
      I know, I think we'd perform exceptionally well at that kinda job. But your librarian gig sounds pretty cool so congrats on that. ;)

  5. Wow,Nuz.Love the idea and the post.Are you making this a feature?If so,I am so excited to see what else you've planned.I've always wanted to share personal posts in my blog,but I never got the chance to do so.I am planning to do something different with my blog this August,so maybe I'd take you as an inspiration:)
    And you're absolutely right.The best things about blogging is the people you meet.I've befriended a lot of awesome people since I started blogging-including you:)-and that's why I consider starting my blog as one of the best things that I ever did.

    1. Not quite sure if I'll be making this a regular feature but I do hope to continue with more personal posts. And I'd definitely encourage you to get personal with your readers, Mishma!
      Awww thank you so much for your kind words! :)

  6. It was so great to meet you too! I wish we could have gone for lunch or something and next time we have to take a picture! I only remembered that we didn't take a picture after you left :( Boo on my part. I love this feature that you've planned; it's really awesome :). I'm off to fill out your survey now!

    1. Haha, I completely forgot about taking a picture too! #Fail
      We should definitely try to grab some lunch when you visit SL next time. YAY, looking forward to reading your responses, Savindi. :)

  7. I absolutely love this! What a wonderful idea. I confess, the main reason I started my book blog was to get to meet wonderful people who shared my love of books and wanted to chat about them. I get so nervous reaching out, and I think it is just brilliant that you created such a welcoming way to connect to other readers/bloggers!

  8. Haha I'm a pretty terrible cook. I'd probably even get toast wrong. ;) And I would LOVE to be paid to read all day. That would seriously make my entire life. Talk about a dream job. :D This is a great post. I always enjoy getting to know other bloggers. I totally agree that the people is what makes blogging so fun.

    1. LOL nice to hear that I'm not the only one! And yes, give me a job like that and I'd be a star performer! :P

  9. I love that I've been able to meet many people through blogging, it's been so fun to talk to people about my love for books. :D Through them, I've found many books that I don't think I would have found otherwise.

    Time to fill out that survey!

    1. Same here, I have a never ending TBR pile and a REALLY long wish-list thanks to you people! ;)

      Thanks for filling it out-I really enjoyed reading your answers, Ana!


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