Thanks for your interest in my blog. I am more than happy to accept books for review as long as they are within my preferences and requirements.
I will mostly review Young Adult & New Adult books,but occasionally I do accept Adult books.
Thanks for your interest in my blog. I am more than happy to accept books for review as long as they are within my preferences and requirements.
I cannot guarantee a positive review.What I can guarantee is a honest and constructive review. If I loved a book I will give it due credit but at the same time if I dislike a book we will say so with an explanation as to why I disliked it.
I do not do DNF(did not finish) reviews. I also do not read books out of sequence.
My reviews will be posted at Goodreads and Amazon. If you do want it to be posted somewhere else I will try my best to do so.
By accepting or receiving a book, I do not guarantee that it will be read/reviewed immediately. I will try to read & review every book that I accept in a timely manner.
If you have a time frame for when you expect the review to be posted, please let do me know. Unfortunately, I cannot respond to review requests for books that do not interest me.
The genres I prefer are
If you have a time frame for when you expect the review to be posted, please let do me know. Unfortunately, I cannot respond to review requests for books that do not interest me.
- Contemporary
- Fantasy
- Urban Fantasy
- Steampunk
- Dystopian/Utopian
- Realistic Fiction
- Crime/Action
- Apocalyptic/Post-apocalyptic Fiction
- Romance
- Paranormal
- Chick Lit
- Middle Grade
- Religious/Spiritual
- Self Help
- Horror
- Erotica
If you have read my review policy and would like us to feature/review your book,please e-mail me at nbookaholic(AT)gmail(DOT)com.
Note: The views and opinions expressed on this blog are mine. I do not receive any monetary compensation for my reviews. If I received a book free of charge for review it will stated under 'source' so on our review. I also review books that I've purchased/borrowed or been gifted.