Blogger Positivity Campaign

The Blogger Positivity Campaign hosted by the lovely Jillian of Jillian's Books kicks off today and I'm incredibly excited to be a part of this uplifting campaign! To kick of the event, the participating bloggers are doing an introductory post so here we are. I hope there's a little something for both the new and old readers of Word Contessa! ;)


For those of you who are visiting for the first time, my name is Nuzaifa and I am the blogger at Word Contessa (previously, Say It with Books). I am a 20 something feminist working in branding and communications at a local fashion retailer. When I'm not reading, I can found binge-watching Empire, HTGAWM or The Mindy Project, gushing over pretty typography, or volunteering.

I blog from Sri Lanka, a tropical island in South Asia. Think gorgeous beaches, stunning forests, magnificent wildlife, super friendly people and drool-worthy spicy cuisine. Don't take my word for it, check it out here.


As far I can remember, I have been reading all my life. It started out with adorable Ladybird books that I read with my mum which I then traded for all the magic and mystery that Enid Blyton offered. Nancy Drew, Dan Brown, Julia Quinn, Sophie Kinsella and Jefferey Archer saw me through high school. Twilight introduced  me to YA and then I stumbled across Goodreads which opened up a whole new world. ;)


Goodreads not only introduced me to a never ending TBR but also to the awesome book blogging community. Say It with Books started out as an experiment during a bored afternoon at work. One name change, countless blog design changes, one co-blogger and 3 years later, here we are.


The blogosphere unsurprisingly, not what it was when I started out. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? A bit of both actually. I would say some things are a blown out of proportion these days leading to a lot of ridiculous drama and ugly behavior. But some things have definitely taken a turn for the better. There's more inclusiveness within the blogging community and there's also a lot of creativity because readers are no longer happy with standard reviews so bloggers are really bring in their A-game. Bloggers also seem to be branching out more into areas like design, business, writing etc making blogs much more interesting than it was 2-3 years ago.


  • My favorite pizza toppings are jalapenos, pineapple and black olives. Not necessarily together but hmmm...maybe I should give that a go.
  • I detest the colors pink (salmon pink however, is excused) and yellow (too fucking cheerful for my taste) with a passion.
  • I have zero hand to eye co-ordination. This is probably why I suck at most organized sports, video games and physics experiments.
  • I couldn't cook to save my life. Many attempts to create basic dishes have gone down in flames. Both literally and figuratively.
  • A total cliche but Mr Darcy gets me every time.


  • The Book Thief, Markus Zusak
  • Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe Novel, Benjamin Alire Sáenz
  • What We Saw, Aaron Harzler
  • The Raven Cycle Series, Maggie Stiefvater
  • Throne of Glass Series, Sarah J. Maas


  • Paper Fury - 100 points for originality! Cait's posts never fail to amuse me.
  • Nose Graze - Ashley's posts especially here tutorials are always on point and I love that she's constantly innovating the concept of book blogging. 
  • Chasing Faerytales - Local blogger shout out. I watched Mishma's blog grow over the years and I'm so proud of her. Watch out for her discussion posts!
  • Read Me Away - Ana's an amazing individual and you can really see her  personality through in her posts! 
  • Word Revel - I adore Jo's aesthetic-Her blog images are always gorgeous and her posts are impeccable!

What do you like/dislike about the book blogging community? Who are your favorite bloggers?


  1. Throne of Glass and The Book Thief all the way! The rest of them I haven't actually read.... I've been meaning to read The Raven Cycle for ages and I've just never got there. Ugh I need to change things!

    1. Oh you simply must check out TRC - Trust me, you'll thank me for it. ;)

  2. RAVEN CYCLE. -dies- I love that series! It's so awesome. I can't wait for Raven King to be out. It'll be AWESOME.

    1. I know, right? I can't wait to get my hands on Raven King - It's going to be GLORIOUS. <3

  3. Yeah! I am so glad to see you are are participating in this too Nuzaifa! It's such a great campaign! I completely agree with your choices of Throne of Glass and The Book Thief - those are both two of my favorites as well. And haha...I totally feel you about the whole lack of coordination thing! ;) Thanks for sharing, and I can't wait to see your next post on Friday! ♥

    ~ Zoe @ Stories on Stage

    1. So cool to see some familiar faces, Zoe! :D Haha, glad to know that I'm not only one who's pathetic with the whole co-ordination thingy.

  4. Squeee THE BOOK THIEF. I totally want to reread that book because apparently I don't like my feels intact. XD hehe.
    And I think that's totally interesting what you said about the blogosphere...yessss. I have noticed so much more creativity recently! And better designs, I think, which is always fabulous on the eyeballs. xD
    YAY FOR MISHMA!! <3 I adore her blog and I can't even believe she hasn't blogged for ever, because zomg she's so much more professional than me. hehe. And Word Revel = forever favourite blog.

  5. Don't make me any more jealous, you live in such a wonderful place! :D
    Another blogger who started on Goodreads, I see this answer a lot.
    The book thief, Throne of glass, The raven boys: excellent taste.
    I love Paper Fury, Nose graze, Chasing Faerytales and World revel. I recently discovered Read me away because of you!

  6. I laughed when you said that yellow was "too fucking cheerful for your taste." Seriously, that was the first time I ever heard someone say that :P Anyway, The Book Thief will forever be one of my most favorite WWII novels ever! (Actually, almost all the WWII books I've read are really good!) The movie was also good as well, and I ship Rudy and Liesel! Both are so adorable :D

    And hurray that Mishma is also your favorite blogger! I co-blog with her at CF, and she's such a great and fun person to work with. Also, I'm glad she can tolerate me hahaha :P

    Thanks for participating, and I'm so so happy to have you here. Really! Looking forward to seeing Friday's post!

  7. Oh I wish I was where you are now. "Tropical Island" sounds just what I need right now. Winters where I'm from get to -40 Celsius...

    I also adore Throne of Glass and the Book Thief, and I've almost picked up the Raven Boys at the Bookstore a million times, but somehow I always end up putting it back down. Seeing everybody has loved it, I might have to actually buy it next time.

    I'm so happy with the number of people doing the Blogger Positivity Campaign, because I think it's such an amazing thing! Awesome post, and I can't wait to see what you come up with on Friday!

  8. I love love love The Book Thief. I need to reread it soon because I feel like it's been too long.


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