Title: The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter (RIP)
Author: Kate Winter
Published: May 21st 2015 by Sphere
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When Rosie Potter wakes up one morning with what she assumes is the world's worst hangover, the last thing she expects is to discover that she's actually dead. With a frustrating case of amnesia, suspicious circumstances surrounding her untimely demise, and stuck wearing her ugliest flannel PJs, Rosie must figure out not only what happened last night, but why on earth she's still here.
Slowly the mystery unravels, but there are many other secrets buried in the quiet Irish village of Ballycarragh, and nobody is as innocent as they first appear. Aided by the unlikeliest of allies in her investigation, Rosie discovers that life after death isn't all it's cracked up to be, particularly when you might just be falling in love . . .
In this hilarious, life-affirming and romantic journey through Rosie Potter's afterlife, she shares the ghostly tale of how she lived, she died, and she loved (in that order).
When Rosie Potter wakes up one morning to a trashed bedroom and zero recollection of the previous night, she knows something has gone terribly wrong. She assumes the odd feeling is just the world's weirdest hangover.
Turns out not only is she wrong but she's also dead.
For a novel with a dead heroine, The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter (RIP) is surprisingly hilarious. When Rosie finally figures that she's well and truly dead, she sets out to find out her murderer. The only glitch in her plan is that nobody can see her. Or so she thinks. When she stumbles across an unexpected ally who can actually see her, she is determined to find out exactly what led to her suspicious death. Hilarity ensues.
I adored Rosie's kindness, humor and her ability to not take life (and death) so seriously. She is the kind of character who would undoubtedly charm her way into the readers' hearts. Her antics had me giggling out loud especially during her 'fly on the wall' moments when she realized who the people around her actually were.
The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter (RIP) was not just about the giggles. It was a quiet reflection on how fragile life can be. It was a lesson on missed opportunities and a reminder of our failure to see the wonderful things that are right under our nose. It was reminder that love is not necessarily all sparks and fireworks and that love can occasionally be slow, sweet and found where you least expect it. The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter (RIP) was light-hearted yet thought provoking in a subtle and unpretentious way.
With a writing style reminiscent of Sophie Kinsella, Kate Winter had me enchanted heart and soul. I adore reading books with Irish settings so the fictional town, Ballycarragh had me hopelessly in love. Rosie's quirky family, Charlie, Jenny and Jack were a wonderfully entertaining cast of secondary characters.
The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter (RIP) succeeds as an original and heartfelt read that will keep readers entertained throughout the journey. It is a perfect end to a weary summer day and I can safely say that I wouldn't mind snuggling up with this book on a cold day for a re-read.
3 and a half Stars
I’m excitedly hissing in his ear, ‘Maybe you should tell her I’m here. You can be like Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost, giving her messages from me and stuff. Go on, tell her I said “Hullooooooo” in a big spooky voice.’FINAL VERDICT:
Utterly enchanting and delightful.
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