Currently: Chapter 2 of 12

Dear February,

Chaos. That's what I would use to describe you. 

I'm happy to see you go and yet I'm grateful for you. Does that make sense? It's been a tough month in every aspect and while I'm glad it's over, I'm incredibly grateful for the clarity that you have brought me. I started off this year hoping to live my life intentionally and be completely present in every moment. But a month later and I seem to have forgotten everything that I had hoped to be. But that is alright. 

Lets hope that this new month brings new opportunities and new beginnings that I so badly crave. 

Here's to change, faith and happiness.

Much Love,

Currently I'm...

Reading Samantha Young's Hero.
February was all about Celaena Sardothien. I read Sarah J Maas's The Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight and The Assassin's Blade at a stretch and damn, I'm DYING to get my hands on Heir of Fire. Since that is not happening anytime soon, March is going to be about tackling my huge to-read-and-review pile.

Listening to Tokyo Hotel's Run, Run, Run. I stumbled on this thanks to Joséphine's Love-A-Thon post and all I can say is SWEET LORD.

Watching Heroes. Just into season 1 and boy, is it intense. The hero, I'm most in love with is Finn and can't wait find out how this all ends.

Following Heroine Training. It's tough to explain what this quirky blog is all about so you'll just have to see it for yourself!

Obsessed with this embellished classic biker jacket(love the details!) and with Besom, a brush style font(Get it for free on Behance)!

Looking forward to what this month brings.

What you might have missed last month:
Books Acquired: 

Throne of Glass, Crown of Midnight and The Assassin's Blade - Sarah J. Maas
Festive in Death - J. D. Robb
Hero - Samantha Young
Fabrick and Sired by Stone - Andrew Post
The Cemetery Boys - Heather Brewer
One Native Life - Richard Wagamese 

Many thanks to Savindi, Piatkus, Medallion Media and HarperCollins for all the goodies!

Goals for this month:
  • My project proposal is due in April and I really need to finalize the topic and get started! 
  • I'm way behind on blog commenting so that's a priority this month.

So tell me, how did February treat you? 

What are you looking forward to this March? 

Any exciting new things lined up? What are your personal/blogging goals for March?


  1. I guess you loved spending your February with Celaena!:)I am actually kind of scared to read Heir of Fire,but I hope you enjoy reading it.
    I've heard about heroes,and it sounds quite interesting.Maybe I need to create a To Be Watched list of TV shows.
    Good luck with project Nuz!I hope you'll have a wonderful March.

  2. February was a busy month for me, but not too bad. March is worse so far with two sick rats. I am also trying to tackle my review pile this year and while I am doing good I am also adding new ones to my pile every week.
    I hope March is a great month for you!

  3. I LOVE SARAH J MAAS. *flails*
    *calms self*
    I wasn't a huge fan of February either...March is doing a lot better for me. x) I'm really getting on top of my TBR which is AWESOME. I actually might see the bottom of it soon. <-- haha well I can dream.

  4. February was a little rough for me, as I came down with a bad case of the flu that wouldn't go away. Feeling much better now and trying to catch up with my reading and blogging. Here's to a great March for us both!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...


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