Colleen Hoover, free fonts, mixtapes and other wonderful things

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Fonts used
:              Ringbearer                   Amadas     

The above quote is from Colleen Hoover's Slammed and I absolutely adore it! Slammed was the book that first introduced me to New Adult category and it has ruined me for all the NA books out there because I have yet to read one that outshines Slammed.

The rest of the quote goes like this:

 If you don't have questions, you'll never find answers.

Mixtape: A whimsical and vaguely eclectic list of songs that I've been listening to lately
01.  Heartbeats  //  Ellie Goudling 

02.  Knee Deep in My Heart  //  Shane Filan

03.  The Great Escape  //  Boys Like Girls

04.  Brighter Than The Sun  //  Colbie Caillat

05.  Love is a Verb  //  John Meyer

06.  If I'm Gonna Fall in Love  //  The Rocket To The Moon

07.   Always Tomorrow  //  The Subways

08.  I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You  //  Black Kids

09.  Unbelievers  //  Vampire Weekend

10.  Amsterdam  //  Imagine Dragons


The Dream Thieves is a book that I was absolutely dying to read because I LOVED The Raven Boys. But for some reason I'm unable to get into it right now. :(( 

I've tried taking a reading break and I've tried reading other books but nothing seems to be working! Hope there's no reading slump in my near future.  *fingers crossed*

Over to you:
What do you think of the wallpaper? Are there any quotes that have recently stuck with you?
Is there a tune that's been stuck in your head today? 
And any tips for beating the reading slump?


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  1. That wallpaper is absolutely GORGEOUS! I don't really have any quotes in particular stuck in my head so much as all of Fangirl running through my mind. Hmmm, the thing I would suggest to get out of a reading slump is to reread a favorite book or read a book you've been dying to read but it looks like you already tried that. I hope you get out of if soon, thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Glad you like it! :) Ah I'm hearing nothing but great things about Fangirl but I've yet to pick it up.
      That's what I've been thinking of doing-thanks for stopping by, Lindsey! :)

  2. That wallpaper looks really nice! :) And thanks for the free fonts! :D

    As for tunes stuck in my head, Pharrell's "Happy" has been in there for a while. And as for reading slumps, I've been in one. I just tell myself that if I don't read, I won't be able to create buffer for reviews, haha! But for more positive reasons, I would say that reading a book that you really love would help out. :)

    1. You're welcome, Ana! :)
      "Happy" is definitely super catchy! LOL thinking of all the reviews that need to done IS a motivation for sure. :D

  3. Hmmm. When I'm in a reading slump, sometimes I'll go back and read my favorite chapters from a bunch of different books I own. Just little parts here and there. The ones that make me laugh and feel all the warm fuzzies =)

    1. Oh yes! I should try that one, maybe reading those awesome snippets will get me back in the groove. :)

  4. The wallpaper is very pretty :) I am in love with the font you used for the top quote.

    I'm sad to hear you can't get into The Dream Thieves yet :( The response has been quite mixed and I can understand why it would be difficult, I hope though you'll get into it soon :D

    1. Thanks, Charlotte! I know Amadas is just so cool, isn't it?

      I hope so too because I've been pretty excited for the book. :)

  5. I love that quote!It's one of my favourites from Slammed.My favourite in the book is "Don't take life too seriously.Punch it in the face when it needs a good fight.Laugh at it."
    And I also love all those poetry.They were all so breathtaking.Looks like I desperately need a reread:)

    1. I love that one too! Seriously, when I was reading Slammed I think I highlighted 80% of the book because of all those amazing lines. :D

  6. Love that quote so much (and the whole book really). Sorry to hear about your maybe-slump, I think just put the book aside. You might be the mood for a different kind of book altogether and just ploughing though will ruin it for you,


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