July - Monthly Wrap Up

Whereas June was a crazy(and fun) month for the blog July was a little more relaxed. Relaxed as in half the number of posts than usual. This was mostly because I was still getting used to the weird shift at my new job and with Ramadan it was really hard to find time to sit and read/review. Rachel was also going through some major changes so neither of us were able to be there for the blog as much as we wanted to.
Anyway fingers crossed we are hoping to do a little more next month.
We wanna say hello to our new followers, we hope you guys are having fun! Thank you so much for being part of Say It with Books, you guys are awesome. And both Rachel and I are thankful for every visit and every lovely comment that you guys left!
Also we will be celebrating an important milestone-Thank you so much to all our supporters on Facebook! There's are some special giveaways lined up for you people so keep reading! ;)
 Chat Review: My Ex From Hell - Tellulah Darling
Perfect blend of the characters and well-written lines...My Ex From Hell is great choice for Mythology fans who love re-tellings and a good laugh. 
Tellulah's 25 & My Ex From Hell Giveaway
Usher's Arms, A Master's thesis on cross-dressing and sexuality in Bugs Bunny cartoons and a hatred for mushrooms - Read more and enter to win a SIGNED paperback of Tellulah Darling's My Ex From Hell - Open Internationally!
Review: Wallbanger - Alice Clayton
Rachel is smitten with Simon Parker! Read her 4 Star review of this 
light-hearted and absolutely adorable romance.
Review: The Distance Between Us - Kasie West
Kasie West turns the cliche poor girl/rich boy scenario into an amazing story that will leave you gushing about it weeks after you turn that final page!                                                                                                       The Distance Between Us is what contemporary books are all about-swoony, fun and dramatic enough to keep you turning those pages!
Characters – Love Them or Hate Them?
Why do we like some and not others? Author, Kathy Petrakis tells us why.
I took it a step further by questioning the odds of enjoying a book with an un-like-able character.
Rachel helped reveal two lovely covers this month:
When It Rains - Lisa De Jong & Two Roads - L M Augustine 
Review: Reboot - Amy Tintera
Rachel talks about the fresh new concept that Amy utilized for this dystopian.
Review: Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire
So both Rachel and I added some pretty sweeeeeet books to our shelves this month-Check it out!
Nuzaifa's Haul:
SOOO excited-I absolutlely loved Grave Mercy and I was told that the sequel does NOT disappoint!
I loved The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and I'm hoping that movie doesn't disappoint.
Rachel's Haul:
The peeps at Penguin, Simon and Schuster UK, Amulet/Abrams books, Headline Publishing, Gallery Books are amazing-Rachel received these books for review. I cannot wait to see what she thinks!
I will also hosting the author of The Dollhouse Asylum, Mary Gray for the Authors are Rockstars Tour-Very Excited for it!
 We also hope to feature Daria Snadowsky's Anatomy of a Boyfriend & Anatomy of a Single Girl for our monthly chat review.
So that's it for now guys! Hope to see you guys back on the blog in August!
So tell us how was month of July for you guys?
Lots of love,
Nuzaifa & Rachel :)
Also the giveaway for our lovely Facebook fans!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Jealous!! UK version of GR!!!! :))) nice book hauls both of you!! :))

  2. Awesome Book Haul ya'll !! I want some of it too :D !!
    I'd be totally Jealous if I hadn't already gotten some good ol' book lovin' haul this month too !

    - Gayatri @ Notorious Writer

  3. I know what you mean by July being more laid back! :) Awesome book hauls, ladies! Congrats on the milestone! :D

  4. It's quite funny that you had a laid back july cause book-wise mine was hectic. I did a challenge on goodreads and read about 70 books!

  5. Congrats on the 800 likes! Woot! And hey, nothing wrong with cutting back every once in a while. Sometimes life doesn't seem to understand that blogging requires time! haha.

    And oooh I haven't read Grave Mercy yet, but I own both it and Dark Triumph and hope to read it soon. Sounds like a such a kick-ass series! And let me know what you think of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo! I haven't read the book but I did see the movies and wow. There were definitely some intense moments. I'm pretty sure I saw it the first time I visited by boyfriend in London and yeah, how romantic. Haha.

    Hope August is a great month for you guys! :)


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