Little White Lies by Erin Lawless: Author Interview + Giveaway

Title: Little White Lies
Author: Erin Lawless
Published: February 16th 2013 by CreateSpace
Purchase Links: Amazon UK |
Amazon | B & N | WHSmith | 

Miles and Nicky are getting married. 
Unfortunately, their wedding party is a tangle of ex-housemates, ex-friends and ex-lovers. 

Leigha, Sukie and Harriet used to be the best of friends.
Unfortunately, there are some things you just can’t forgive.
Johnny thought that Leigha was the love of his life.
Unfortunately, he still thinks that; even more unfortunately, she never loved him at all. 
Adam and Harriet might have been something, once. 
Unfortunately, now Adam isn’t even sure if he’s going to be able to look her in the face. 

So this wedding isn’t just a wedding, it’s a reunion. 
Can anything be salvaged from the past? And what really happened between them all, back at university? 

With a playful but firm grasp of the zeitgeist, Little White Lies moves back and forth between 2007 and 2012 and seven characters to build up a rich and compelling story, in turns funny and sad, but always honest, about friendship in all its forms and the practicality of second chances. 

This novel is a New Adult (British) contemporary novel, recommended for readers aged 17+ due to language and mature situations.                           

Author Interview

  • What is the craziest prank you've pulled on someone?
I am racking my brain but I don’t think I’ve done anything truly worthy of being called a “prank”. There was lots of hiding under beds and jumping out of cupboards and from round corners to scare people during my university years. Once, my boyfriend and his housemate collected about a hundred ‘calling cards’ (you know, the ones with naked ladies on them advertising certain services…) and put them in their other housemate’s bedroom. He kept on finding hidden pockets of them for a year or more… the last few were in fact found by his mother when she came to help him pack up his room after graduation…
  • List your top 3 addictions
Black, sugary English Breakfast tea; Goodreads; Wicked the Musical, which I have seen 13 times.
  • Which character from your book,Little White Lies is more similar to you?
I’m almost ashamed to say that the me I was aged 20 probably had more in common with Leigha than anyone else. Not that I was a man-eater as such, but I definitely wasn’t very nice to boys! In fact, the more they liked me, the nastier I was to them! I promise I’m not like that now..! J
  • If you were written about in the newspaper, on the front page, what would the headline say?
Well, judging by the amount of friends/colleagues/near strangers who have pointed at me over the last week and exclaimed: “YOU’VE CUT YOUR HAIR!!” I guess it would be that! Author CUTS HAIR!! A slight disclaimer is that I hardly ever bother to cut my hair; it was very long. So I got it trimmed; now it’s less long. London buzzes with the gossip..!
  • Is there anything you would have done differently while putting your book together?
I had a great book cover all mocked up. I had a professional photographer lined up to take a picture of me and some of my friends posing as the ‘cast’ in their wedding party gear, outside on some grass. Unfortunately, right when I needed to do this, the entirety of the UK got covered in snow for about two weeks and I missed the opportunity! If I ever do a re-release though, I’ll definitely do that special cover.
Your Book Boyfriend..
Historically, it’s Numair from Tamora Pierce’s Tortall books, but in recent years I’ve cheated on him with fantasy dreamboats Perry (Under the Never Sky series) and Prince Ash (the Iron Fey series). Most recently, I finished The Raven Boys and loved all four said “raven boys” – I haven’t chosen an official boyfriend from that series yet J

You're Most Thankful to..
The people who’ve shown me real love and friendship during my life, which means that I know what I am writing about.

You Couldn't Live Without..
My Kindle!

You Hate with a passion..
The smell of Southern Comfort. Eurgh it smells like feet! Keep it away from me!!

Giveaway Time!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big thanks to Erin Lawless for sponsoring this giveaway! Glad to have you at Say It With Books today! :)
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  1. the last few were in fact found by his mother when she came to help him pack up his room after graduation…

    Oh my! That sounds both hilarious and super DUPER embarrassing! I enjoyed the interview and the book sounds like a good read too. :)

  2. I want to read this book so badly. I hope I win and thanks for the giveaway!

  3. This book will be freaking awesome I really like books with lotsa characters.:D Hope I win but thanks anyway for the giveaway.:D

  4. I also couldn't live without my e-Reader thoguh in my case it'll be my Kobo and not Kindle. :)

  5. Looking forward to reading this! Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Ah Numair.... I love him!! He is definitely one of my favourites too!

    1. Numair! <3 This reminds me, I have my once-every-summer re-read of 'The Emperor Mage' to look forward to soon :)

  7. Wow! I really can't wait to read this! Adding it to my TBR list!! I always wonder if the author has any life experience that they put into their books? Thanks for sharing with us and Thanks for the giveaway!
    mestith at gmail dot com

  8. I really want to read this book after reading this review

  9. This looks like a great book :) Thanks for the giveaway :)


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