Review & Giveaway : Watcher - Audra Middleton

Author: Audra Middleton
Title: Watcher

Format: ebook
Source: Received a copy from the author in exchange for a honest review

War threatens to destroy the world of Anthelion unless the holy man, Goran, can solve his prophecy riddle. For every clue he finds, another obstacle surfaces. An orphan girl, Watcher, becomes his responsibility. As if parenthood itself isn't daunting enough, she keeps a bear for a pet and transforms into her forest surroundings to avoid socialization. Hope momentarily emerges when Goran finds Benaiah, the Chosen Son of the prophecy. Only he soon discovers Benaiah is a social pariah on the verge of embracing darkness.
When Benaiah and Watcher unexpectedly meet, the two outsiders find in each other a sense of belonging they've never known.  Now their emerging love promises to bring about the very war Goran is struggling to prevent.

My Thoughts

Fantasy is a genre that I've have very little experience with so I was very eager to give Watcher a try.Watcher was an entertaining read that had it's highs and lows.A book with well developed characters is always a good book in my opinion and Watcher did not disappoint.
I loved the main characters,each of them was unique.The characters had both admirable characteristics and flaws so they were believable enough.
Goran is a holy man with a prophesy to help fulfill-to say that he was not very eager to go through his quest to find and unite the Chosen Son and the King's Flower would be putting it mildly.It is during this that he stumbles across Watcher,an orphan girl.Watcher was an interesting character-she was intelligent, mischievous and adorably naive.Her childhood was completely different from that of the other normal children so she had some issues with social interaction.Watcher and her pet bear,Kitty(no,I'm not kidding she really does have a five hundred pound bear named Kitty!) were very protective of each other.
Benaiah,the Chosen Son has a special gift(something that a lot of people feared) and this does not make his childhood very easy. Benaiah is raised by Marta who's very sweet and protective of him,her sharp tongue had me giggling a couple of times.
The world building was great although sometimes I felt that it was too descriptive.
I also felt that about halfway through the book,the reader is bombarded by a LOT of characters-keeping track of who's who was a bit difficult especially with the a lot of them having unusual names!I would have been a little more comfortable if the characters were introduced with a little breathing room in between each introduction.

Overall an intriguing book,one that might appeal to a lot fantasy fans.

My Rating



  1. Your review made me curious enough that I just had to go and add it to my never-ending TBR. I love that the characters are unique, even though there are too many to easily keep track of. And I can't deny I'm intrigued by the idea of having a bear as a pet! Named Kitty, no less. Beautiful review, Nuzaifa. :)

  2. Thanks so much for the review! I appreciate the input!


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